The ACT Test: Louisiana
Select your current phase of the test administration process to see resources related to that phase.
Process Steps (Expand for Descriptions)
Step 1: Orientation - Learn about test formats and policies; select test dates and provide shipping information; select test staff and set up accounts.
Step 2: Configuration - Upload student data records; verify enrollment for test materials; complete online site readiness.
Step 3: Accommodation - Learn about accessibility supports; request accommodations and/or supports; request qualified exceptions to the deadline.
Step 4: Preparation - Order test materials; complete non-test activities; provide examinees test prep information; prepare your facility, staff, and materials; update examinee information; create online test sessions.
Step 5: Administration - Administer the test.
Step 6: Transportation: Return test materials; purge online testing content.
Step 7: Interpretation - Access and understand score reports; share reporting information with examinees.
Important Dates
Your Schedule of Events (coming soon) contains all dates and deadlines for your test event. Check it frequently to ensure you're on track for a successful administration.
Test Dates
The ACT Taken Online
- Test Window 1: March 11, 2025
- Test Window 2: March 25, 2025
The ACT Accommodated Test Taken on Paper
- Test Accommodations Window 1: March 11-14, 2025 and March 17-21, 2025
- Test Accommodations Window 2: March 25-28, 2025 and April 1-4, 2025
Documents will be replaced as they become available for spring 2025 testing
Helpful Links
Expand each tray to reveal the information you're looking for.
Quick Links
Office Hours
Accommodations Office Hours: Link (coming soon)
Contact Information
Louisiana Questions:
ACT General Questions:
800.553.6244, ext. 2800
contact form
State Policy Questions:
Phone: 877.453.2721
Website: Louisiana Department of Education
Step 1: Orientation
Before Testing: Get started with your testing program.
Learn about Test Formats and Policies
- What's New (web content)
- The ACT Taken Paper or Online (pdf)
- Testing Policies and Information (web content) (select the first result listed after applying search filters)
- Test Coordinator Checklist (pdf)
Select Test Dates and Verify Shipping Address (Manage Participation)
(coming soon)
- PearsonAccess next User Guide (web content) (select the Test Date and Materials Receipt Selection section)
- Address Change Request Form (webform)
Select Test Staff and Set Up Accounts
- Staff Requirements, Roles, and Responsibilities (web content) (select the first result listed after applying search filters)
- PearsonAccess next User Guide (web content) (select the Managing Contact and User Account Information section)
- Selecting your Testing Staff (training tutorial)
- Manage Contacts (training tutorial)
Tip: When the district test coordinator changes the school test coordinator in PearsonAccess next , remember to deactivate the existing test coordinator's user account. Updates need to be completed in two places: the manage contacts screen and creating a new user account.
Step 2: Configuration
Before Testing: Ensure systems are set up and data is submitted for testing.
Upload Student Data Records (SDU File)
(coming soon)
- Student Data Upload File Requirements and Loading Instructions (pdf)
- Student Data Upload File Requirements and Loading Instructions - Fixed Width Format (pdf)
- Student Data Upload Header Template (xlsx)
Tip: The formatting in the SDU template includes instructions for how to create a successful file. Be sure to delete the sample row and all blank rows prior to uploading to PearsonAccess next .
Verify Enrollment Counts
(coming soon)
- PearsonAccess next User Guide (web content) (select the Managing Test Materials, Accessing Reports, and Submit a Request to Enroll or Unenroll an Examinee sections)
- PearsonAccess next Operational Reports Layout (pdf)
Tip: To verify accommodations/supports counts, run an Accommodations and Supports Roster in PearsonAccess next .
Complete Site Readiness for Online Testing
(coming soon)
- Technical Coordinator Checklist (pdf)
- Technical Requirements for the ACT Test Taken Online (web content)
- The ACT Online Testing Site Readiness Plan (pdf)
- Mock Administration Guide (web content)
ACT Online Technical Readiness Training Tutorials
- ACT Online Technical Readiness 1: Overview (video)
- ACT Online Technical Readiness 2: TestNav (video)
- ACT Online Technical Readiness 3: Mock Administration (video)
Step 3: Accommodation
Before Testing: Identify student needs for accommodations and/or supports.
Learn about Accessibility Supports
- Quick Start Guide for Requesting Accommodations and/or English Learner Supports (pdf)
- Setting Up for Success - Online Reporting and TAA (pdf)
- ACT Training Information Graphic-English Learner (EL) Supports (pdf)
- Accessibility Supports Guide for the ACT (web content)
- On Demand Accommodations Training Webinar (webinar) (coming soon)
- ACT Accommodations Training slides (pdf) (coming soon)
Request Accommodations and/or English Learner (EL) Supports
(coming soon)
- Consent to Release Information (pdf)
- Test Accessibility and Accommodations (TAA) User Guide (pdf)
- Test Accessibility and Accommodations (TAA) System Supports (web content)
- Requesting Accommodations and English Learner Supports Using TAA (video)
- How to Create an Account to Request Accommodation through TAA (training tutorial)
Request Qualified Exceptions to the Deadline
(coming soon)
- Requesting Reconsideration (TAA User Guide) (pdf)
- Qualified Exceptions to the Deadline (pdf)
Tip: Reconsideration is used if you submitted a request for accommodations that was denied. Qualified Exceptions to the Deadline is for limited reasons as indicated on the form.
Tip: If selecting the qualified exceptions date in TAA, make sure to attach the Qualified Exceptions to the Deadline Form in the request.
Arrange for Accommodations and/or English Learner Supports
- Reader Agreement (pdf)
- Sign Language Interpreter Agreement (pdf)
- Scribe Agreement (pdf)
Step 4: Preparation
Before Testing: Prepare students, staff, facilities, and materials for testing.
Order Test Materials
(coming soon)
(coming soon)
Tip: If additional materials are needed for examinees authorized by ACT to test with accommodations/supports, call the ACT Accommodations team. Use the Accommodations and Supports Roster, which can be accessed in PearsonAccessnext by Test Coordinators and Room Supervisors, to provide information to ensure the right students receive additional materials.
Tip: You can track test materials shipments using Orders and Shipment Tracking. See the View Status and Shipment Information section in the PearsonAccess next User Guide.
Complete Non-Test Activities
Test Window 1: After materials arrive
Test Window 2: After materials arrive
- Taking the ACT (pdf)
- Taking the ACT - Spanish (pdf)
- Non-Test Activities (web content) (select the first result listed after applying search filters)
- Non-Test Instructions for Student (Blank Form) (pdf)
- Non-Test Instructions for Student (Blank Form with Mail Merge) (docx)
- MyACT User Guide for Test Coordinators (pdf)
- MyACT User Guide for Students (pdf)
- MyACT Account Setup - State & District Testing (video)
- MyACT Interest and Careers Inventories (pdf)
- MyACT Benefits and Tips for School and Student (pdf)
Tip: To provide visibility into the non-test information process, schools will have access to a new daily Student Code Usage Status report after receiving their first shipment of materials. This report is posted in the Published Reports section in PearsonAccess next . Refer to the Accessing Reports section of PearsonAccess next User Guide for instructions. This report contains “Yes” or “No” to indicate students who have not used their Student Code or not completed college choices.
Provide Examinees Test Prep Information
Prepare Your Facility, Staff, and Test Materials
- Test Facilities (web content) (select the first result listed after applying search filters)
- Test Staff (web content) (select the first result listed after applying search filters)
- Test Materials (web content) (select the first result listed after applying search filters)
- Test Administration (web content) (select the first result listed after applying search filters)
- Test Administration Training (webinar) (coming soon)
- Test Administration Training slides (pdf) (coming soon)
Update Examinee Information
Test Window 1: (coming soon)
Test Window 2: (coming soon)
- PearsonAccess next User Guide (web content) (select the Manage Examinee Information section)
Create Online Test Sessions
Test Window 1: (coming soon)
Test Window 2: (coming soon)
- Technical Guide (web content)
- ACT Administration Online Manual (web content)
- Preparing Students for the ACT Test Taken Online (pdf)
- Preparing for Online Testing - Quick Start Guide (pdf)
- Switching from Paper to Online Testing (pdf)
- Create and Assign Test Sessions (training tutorial)
- ACT Online Test Administration On Demand Training (webinar)