How To Write A Professional Thank You Email (25 different use cases)

Did you know including a simple “thank you” email in your outbound strategies can jump response rates by almost 53.5%?

While sending a thank you email is an expression of gratitude, it’s also a conversation re-starter. Especially for sales and marketing teams, it’s an essential strategy to maintain positive relationships with clients.

A study shows thank you emails have one of the highest open rates at 42%!

Want to learn how to write a thank you email but not sure how to stand out? Refer to the following guide based on real-time use cases and copy-pastable email examples.

But first, let’s understand what a thank you email is all about.

Professional thank you email: what is it, and how to write a professional thank you email

When you’ve received a client referral, met a potential client at a business event, or successfully delivered a client project, regardless of the magnitude of the occasion, a thank you email is a quick way to show appreciation.

Thank you emails should be part and parcel of your business communication.

Imagine you’re at the receiving end of thank you emails. A teammate sends you an email thanking you for your significant role in a project’s completion. It instantly lights up your day. Not only that, you’re motivated to continue pursuing the partnership and giving it your best.

Some tips on what should go into your thank you emails:

But wait. We know sending professional thank you emails is not this simple. So we’ve collected 25 different use cases of sending thank you emails to improve your personal connections.

Let’s get into it.

25 examples of professional thank you emails

We’ve divided the examples into four different use cases so you can jump to your preferred section and get sending winning thank you emails:

How to write a professional thank you email to your clients

Let’s go over seven different client occasions to send thank you emails and make a difference:

1. After a business event:

You’ve just attended a business event and networked with executives and potential clients in your industry. But thanks to us humans’ memory limitations, most clients forget the important conversations they had at an event.

So what’s the best memory refresher? Sending a personalized thank you note as an email reminding your potential clients of the incredible discussions you had with them at the event.

A well-structured, to-the-point thank you email also helps you continue the conversation further and get to know a prospect better.

A thank you email to a client after a business event example:

Subject line: Derek, it was lovely meeting you!

Hi Derek,

It was a pleasure talking to you at the SaaS Insiders event. I loved your presentation about AI and could not stop raving about it to my colleagues.

Would you like to have this conversation over a quick Zoom meeting this Friday?

Thanks again for your talk. Looking forward to meeting with you again soon.



Bonus tip: Potential clients may not always check their emails or respond to them. So, as a rule of thumb, try reaching them over other channels, too. For example, use LinkedIn to send a personalized thank you note along with an email.

Expandi lets you send such requests at scale by tying up emails and LinkedIn and automating the whole process.

how to write a professional thank you email

Expandi’s Smart Sequences allows you to set up workflows based on several scenarios and outcomes. For example, if the prospect fails to respond to your first ‘thank you’ email, you can set up an automated LinkedIn message and an email to be sent after 1-2 days as a follow-up.

2. After a purchase or a transaction:

If your client has recently purchased with your business or engaged in a transaction, send them a short thank you email as a token of appreciation. After all, they deserve one for placing their trust in your services.

Moreover, a post-purchase thank you email sets the tone for communicating transaction details, providing necessary next steps, or even offering up-selling opportunities.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Thanks for the purchase, we’re glad to have you onboard!

Hi Mary,

We’re excited to have you as a part of our agency! We cannot wait to bring you incredible results and watch your business grow.

For the next steps, please sign our contract here.

Please feel free to reach us if you have any questions. You can access our free resources to learn more about our processes and services.

Thanks again for trusting us!


3. On special occasions:

Track your clients’ birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, or major milestones to send them a sweet note congratulating and thanking them for their valuable relationship.

Your clients will love the gesture and continue supporting your efforts.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Warm birthday wishes!

Hey John,

Happy birthday! Hope your upcoming year is filled with joy and many new and existing opportunities.

Want to take a moment and thank you for your sincere support and friendship over the last year. Hope we continuously collaborate and work on many more projects together.

Thank you once again for your incredible support!


4. Referrals or recommendations:

If a client has made an effort and referred you to a job or a person, a short and simple thank you note is a polite way to appreciate them. Sending a thank you email persuades them to continue referring your services to others in their network.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Thanks for the referral, Jack!

Hi Jack,

Thanks for referring me to John at Company X. Just got off a sales call with them, and they had great things to say about you.

I was super proud of the fact that I worked with you!

I sincerely appreciate your support and for taking the time to recommend me to your network.

I’ll keep you posted on the call’s progress.

Thank you,


5. Feedback or testimonials:

If clients have gone out of their way to provide feedback or a testimonial, ensure you express gratitude with a personalized email thanking them.

This small yet significant gesture instills mutual trust, urges them to continue working with you, and makes way for more valuable feedback.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Thank you for the testimonial

Hi Carol,

Cannot thank you enough for taking the time to drop in a testimonial.

Heartfully appreciate your prolonged support and hope to continue this partnership for years to come!

Thanks again for trusting our services!


6. Client appreciation events:

Did you just host a successful client appreciation event? Then consider sending the participants a thank you email for their active participation.

Sending a thank you email post-event continues the conversion beyond an event, thus developing a healthy bond between businesses and clients.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Thanks for attending last night’s session!

Hi Joe,

Thank you for actively being a part of our community and attending the networking event yesterday!

Meeting you in person and knowing you’re a football fan was a pleasure.

Hoping to stay connected and continuing our prolonged collaboration.



7. Successful project completion:

If you’ve successfully brought a project to completion and delivered it to a client, you should consider sending a thank you email to them.

Picture this: The client is already ecstatic about the project’s successful completion, and sending a thank you email may be just what they need to continue their collaboration for future projects.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Thanks for your support in bringing Project X to completion!

Hello Jane,

Glad to inform the completion of Project X within the expected timeline!

As always, you’ve been of great help. Your expert insights and ideas are something we’ll always look up to.

We hope to continue working with you for many other future projects and bringing you incredible results!

Thanks again!


How to write a professional thank you email to partners

Want to thank your partner(s) but have no idea how? Let’s discuss six different occasions to thank your partners for their valuable friendship and show gratitude:

1. Successful collaboration:

If you and your partner have successfully handed off a client project or hit a shared goal, consider sending them a thank you email and making their day.

For example, highlight their personal contribution that helped the project kick-off, acknowledge the value they brought to the partnership, etc. Doing so lays the ground for hitting many more business goals.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: We did it, Steve! Thanks for the partnership.

Hey Steve,

Project X is now done and dusted and all set to be kicked off. You had a major role in this, and cannot thank you enough!

Your ideas and sales outreach expertise brought so much to the table that our clients loved every bit of our approach.

Cannot wait to work on more projects with you and hit many more sales goals.

Thanks again, and see you soon!


2. Partnership anniversary:

Long-term partnerships are priceless. Sending a thank you email for your partnership anniversary sets the stage for mutual respect, friendship, and trust.

In the thank you email, thank them for their continued efforts, trust, and collaboration throughout the years. Make it more interesting by reflecting on some major milestones you’ve achieved together, letting them take a walk back memory lane.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Here’s to our incredible journey – celebrating our partnership anniversary!

Hello Team X,

Today marks five years since our partnership started! My team and I take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude for your trust and friendship all through these years,

We’ve had some major ups and downs along the way. But that didn’t stop us from achieving our goals together.

Thank you for your invaluable contribution. Without your team and leadership’s feedback and expertise, we wouldn’t have made it this far.

Here’s to many more years together as partners and friends!



3. Referrals or introductions:

If you had a partner who referred clients or other partners to your business, don’t forget to drop them a sincere thank-you email.

Keep them posted on the outcomes so they are proud of their decision and continue referring you to others in their network.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Thanks for the awesome referral!

Hi Dylan,

Reaching out to thank you for connecting me with Mike from Operations.

I really appreciate you going out of your way and introducing me to your network.

Happy to inform you that I’ve been in touch with Mike, and we’re hoping to get on a call soon. Will keep you posted on the happenings!

Once again, appreciate your efforts. Let me know if I can refer you to someone too.



4. Support during challenging times:

A helping hand during a challenging situation or period deserves utmost recognition. And if you had a partner support you during hard times, let them know what the gesture meant to you with a thank you email.

A thank you email in this situation further strengthens the bond with your partners. You can also add a thank-you gift in return for their assistance.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Forever grateful for your support during the pandemic

Hi Mike and Team,

We hope this email finds you well. We at Company X want to thank you for your unwavering support during the recent pandemic.

We will forever be grateful for the incredible, non-stop commitment and support during this challenging time. Thank you for sharing your resources with us. It helped us deliver projects on time with no client complaints.

Please accept our vouchers as a token of appreciation.

Thanks again for standing by us. Hoping to continue this healthy partnership for years to come.

Warm regards,


5. Special occasions:

Is your partner’s birthday or a long-due vacation coming up? Did your partner company reach a major milestone? Whatever the reason may be, ensure you whip up a personalized thank you email to wish them well.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Enjoy your well-deserved vacation, Stefan!

Hi Stefan,

I know a vacation is long due for you. Hope you enjoy every minute of it and make beautiful memories.

Thanks for everything you did in the last quarter. We constantly hit our sales and marketing goals thanks to your awesome commitment.

Looking forward to working on many more such targets once you’re back. Until then, have fun!



6. Partnership renewal or extension

Expressing gratitude with a thank you email is essential when you’ve extended a partnership or contract.

It sets the tone for future communications and shared goals. Let them know you’re excited about reaching new feats and continuing the friendship.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Celebrating our extended partnership

Hi Mike and Team at Agency X,

My team and I are super excited to continue our partnership and friendship with you all.

Thank you for instilling trust in us. We wouldn’t do it without your support and commitment.

Cannot wait to see what’s to come in the following years!

Here’s to the best partners and friends Wishing us all more success and growth.

Thank you and best regards,


How to Write a Professional Thank You Email to Boss

There are many ways to thank your boss besides a promotion. We have six ways for you to express gratitude to an awesome boss:

1. Recognition or praise:

Did your manager or a lead leave glowing performance feedback or recognize your work? You know how these points play a key role in getting a raise.

So it only makes sense to thank them for their encouragement and immense trust in your skills.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Thanks for the awesome feedback, Jack

Dear Jack,

I just reviewed your feedback and cannot thank you enough for those encouraging words.

You’ve always been a huge motivator for me to perform my best at work. And no doubt, your encouragement and guidance have made a massive difference to my skills and professional growth.

Thanks again for your never-ending support!

Best regards,


2. Promotion or raise:

A promotion or a raise is a testament to your incredible skills that your boss trusts. Ensure you commend them for their faith in your contribution with a short thank you email.

Write about how you see this as an opportunity to grow as an individual and a professional. State your undying commitment to perform better and contribute to the team’s success.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Thanks for the promotion, Mike!

Hi Mike,

Writing this email to thank you for promoting me to Marketing Lead. I’m aware your feedback played a big role in my promotion.

Thanks for trusting my skills and being my guiding force for the last couple of years.

I assure you I will continue doing great work in my new position and make you proud!

Please let me know if there are any specific areas I must focus on in my new position. I’m excited to work with you in the new role and learn more.

Thanks again!

Warm regards,


3. Mentorship:

If you’ve received helpful guidance or mentorship from your boss, a thank you email is the best way to recognize their efforts and time spent.

Make the email more specific by adding instances where their advice has helped you the most.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Grateful for your valuable advice, John

Dear John,

Thanks for your unwavering support ever since I’ve joined your team. I always look up to you for inspiration and advice.

Our recent discussion on what career skills I should upskill to has been extremely helpful. Glad to inform you that I’ve already signed up for the Marketing course as suggested by you.

I will keep you updated on my course completion.

Grateful to have you as my boss!



4. Opportunities for growth or learning:

Did your boss recently refer you to a training program, workshop, or conference? Such career-oriented events are a gold mine of opportunities.

And sending a thank you email is an excellent way to express gratitude for choosing and investing in you.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Thanks for choosing me to attend ConX, Jane!

Dear Jane,

I just finished attending the ConX held at Northeastern University. And I must say, it was a great experience meeting top executives in our industry and interacting with them.

And the credit goes to you for choosing me as the company’s representative. Thank you so much for the incredible opportunity and for trusting me to represent our company.

Please let me if we can discuss the conference over a call.

Thanks again for the opportunity, Jane. Hoping to talk soon.

Warm wishes,


5. Support during challenging times:

If your boss lent a helping hand during a challenging time, send a thoughtful thank-you email to make their day and acknowledge their kindness.

Include how their support has significantly impacted your personal or professional life and how you’re forever grateful for the support.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Thanks for your kindness, Jake. You’re the best boss!

Dear Jake,

Writing this email to thank you for extending my medical leave. As you know, things have been rough, and now I’m glad to let you know I’ve fully recovered.

Thanks for the empathy and kindness you’ve shown in understanding my situation. The extended leave has ensured I focus on my health and wellbeing.

I’m super glad to join work this Monday and work alongside the team.

Once again, thank you for accommodating my medical leave!

Warm regards,


6. Thank you email for leaving a job:

Leaving a job and want to appreciate your boss for the support? A thank you email can do the trick.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: It’s been a fun ride – thanks to you, Jill

Hello Jill,

As you’re aware, today is my last day at the company.

Wanted to take a moment and pen this email to you for your extreme support and motivation throughout my tenure here.

You’ve provided me with some amazing opportunities over the years that helped me grow as a professional.

I look forward to staying in touch with you and hope our paths cross soon.

Thanks again!

Best regards,


How to Write a Professional Thank You Email to Colleagues

Appreciating each other in a workplace is essential to building a strong relationship and achieving goals together. We have six examples of how to write thank you email to colleagues and encourage them:

1. Help or support on a project:

If you have a co-worker who’s helped you finish a challenging project or offered guidance in any way, make it a point to thank them in an email.

Your co-workers will cherish your message and gladly help you with upcoming tasks.

While writing an email, mention specific instances your colleagues worked on and the outcomes. Keep the tone friendly and positive.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Could not have done it without you, Alex!

Hey Alex,

Hope you’re having a great day!

Writing this email to thank you because the client at Bank Z loved the presentation you helped me with. The entire team couldn’t take their eyes off the deck and its simplistic design.

I’m glad I reached out to you for help. I must say, your design skills are exceptional.

Looking forward to working on more such projects with you soon. Feel free to let me know if you need any help!



2. Collaboration and teamwork:

A positive work atmosphere is a result of individuals engaging and collaborating effectively.

So if you’re a boss or manager looking to appreciate each of your team members for their outstanding teamwork, consider sending them a sweet thank you email.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Keep up the team spirit, Ben!

Hi Ben,

Writing this to thank you for making a tremendous contribution to our team.

You’re a great sport and always take on challenging tasks with ease. I see the team loves learning from you and that you’re always open to help.

Also, thanks for the recent project completion. You’ve shown exceptional team spirit.

Hope you continue to help and collaborate with the team and grow together.

Let’s talk soon!



3. Going above and beyond:

If you have a colleague who’s gone out of their way to help you or the team in any way, consider sending them a thank you email to make their day.

Highlight their thoughtfulness in helping out and how their actions have made a huge impact.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Grateful for your help and dedication

Hi Mary,

Hope this email finds you well.

Wanted to take a minute and thank you for everything you’ve done last week for our team.

Despite your busy schedule, appreciate your willingness to help my team fix the bug, leading to on-time product delivery.

On behalf of my team, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind gesture.

Please feel free to let me know if there’s any help you may need in the future.

Best regards,


4. Support during a challenging time:

Did a kind-hearted colleague help you combat a difficult time? Then they deserve a thank you email from you.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Thanks for lending a helping hand, Jake!

Hi Jake,

Thank you for always being a wonderful colleague and an aide during my challenging time.

I wouldn’t have made it this far if not for you and your quick financial support. Thanks for giving me hope and understanding the situation.

I’m forever grateful to you. If you need any kind of help at work, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Thanks again for your friendship!

Best regards,


5. Training or mentorship:

Sometimes colleagues are great mentors who help you make important decisions at work or in your personal life. And it’s only fair to thank them for being extra outgoing and influencing your career growth.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Thanks to the best mentor!

Hi Alex,

Wanted to take a moment and thank you for your thoughtful mentorship over the last month.

You were generous enough to invest your time and effort in coaching me when I was lost in finding my fit at work. Also, appreciate your patience and knowledge.

Thank you once again for being an incredible mentor, human being, and friend. I hope to make it up to you someday, hopefully soon!



6. Celebrating achievements or milestones:

A colleague might’ve hit a personal goal, such as a work anniversary or a much-awaited promotion. Whatever the reason may be, it calls for a thank you email to celebrate their achievements together.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Congrats on your fifth year with us. You’ve been amazing!

Hi Mark,

Congratulations on your work anniversary!

Cannot believe it’s been five years since you joined us. Time surely flies when you’re having fun at work.

You’ve been an integral part of the team; our clients adore your work. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.

Wishing you many more amazing years at our company and massive success.




We hope you found the perfect example to use for writing a professional thank you email.

A thank you email can do wonders in fostering a healthy work relationship with your bosses, clients, colleagues, or partners. Use it well, and remember to personalize it to make a better impact.

But let’s face it. Most of your clients or partners are busy and often forget to respond to emails.

In such a case, Expandi’s Smart Sequences come to your rescue.

Build and automate emails and LinkedIn messages to receive more responses for your efforts!

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1. How do you send an official thank you email?

Follow these steps to send an official thank you email:

2. How do you say thank you professionally in an email?

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